Prepare for the Lord’s Day

With compassion, Christ declares the sabbath for doing good rather than harm. The sabbath is the day of the Lord of mercies and a day to honor God. (CCC 2173). Sunday is the Lord’s Day, the first day of the week when Christ rose from the dead. Each and every Sunday is a commemoration of that first Easter Sunday.

Keeping holy the Lord’s Day is not just a Commandment, it is an invitation from the Lord to stop our work, our worrying, and our striving. It is a beautiful opportunity to find rest and to be renewed in the Lord. Sunday offers us the opportunity to refocus on the things that truly matter. God is constantly calling us to Himself and offering us a new chance to reclaim His wonderful gifts.

To keep Holy the Lord’s Day is to spend the day on activities that can be considered “rest” or “worship”. Consider choosing just one thing to focus on this Sunday and begin to enter into this gift more fully.

1. Keep the Lord at the Center
Read the Mass readings ahead of time and participate in the Mass. Set aside extra time for prayer or spend some time in silence with the Lord.

2. Rest
Is it possible to schedule regular household and office tasks for the other six days of the week? If not, is it possible to reschedule just one chore for another day?

3. Quality Time
Intentionally spend some time connecting with family or friends. Take a walk, play a game, or read a good book. Schedule a Zoom call with out-of-town family. Try to spend your time on leisure rather than entertainment.

4. Screen-Free?
Consider spending the day, or just a few hours, “screen free” - staying off phone, computer, and television as much as possible. Consider spending this time with family or reading a spiritual book.

“Understood and lived in this fashion, Sunday in a way becomes the soul of the other days.”
- St. John Paul II, DD 83