Five Loaves and Two Fishes

LifeTeen and High School RCIA Meal Program

The St. Patrick LifeTeen and High School RCIA programs need volunteers to provide food to 60 teens on a Sunday of your choice.

When signing up, select only one option. If an option is selected, then that date is covered.

There are two options:

  1. Cook or order food to be delivered
    Food can be dropped off at 12:45 PM in the St. Patrick School auditorium.
    Suggested meals include pizza, tacos, hamburgers, spaghetti, chicken fingers and fries, BBQ, and snacks.

  2. Donate $180 to Cooking for the Crowd
    Cooking for the Crowd is a nonprofit who will cook and deliver meals to St. Patrick’s.

Please put "St. Patrick LifeTeen Meal Program and the date the meals need to be delivered" in the notes section of your payment. 

For example, "St. Patrick LifeTeen Meal Program on 9/5/21". This will help Cooking for the Crowd know the date they need to provide the meals. 

We appreciate your generosity!