Feed the Fathers

What is “Feed the Fathers”?
Feed the Fathers is a meal train ministry for the priests at St. Patrick’s.
Our priests at St. Patrick's do so much for us and for our community. They are constantly giving of themselves. They are currently responsible for preparing all of their own meals! Needless to say, with their very busy and unpredictable schedules, this can be difficult. We can help them tremendously by signing up to bring a healthy, home-cooked meal that Fr. Charles, Fr. Adam, and Fr. Josef can enjoy. All the better if there are leftovers for the next day!

How do I participate?
1. Visit the meal train sign up.
2. Sign up for a date to bring a meal for the priests.

All of the dates and delivery details can be found on the meal train. If you have additional questions, please contact Lori Chartrand at chartrand@sbcglobal.net.

”For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink”
- Matthew 25:35