
About The Eucharist

”The greatest love story of all time is consecrated in a tiny white host.”
- Venerable Fulton Sheen

The Eucharist is the source and summit of Christian life. We believe that in the Mass when the priest, acting in the person of Christ, says the words over the bread, “This is My Body,” and over the wine, “This is My Blood,” the bread and wine change into the Sacred Body and Blood of Our Lord.

Mass Times

Communion to the Sick


First Eucharist Preparation

Children wanting to receive First Eucharist must be baptized and participate in religious education through our Faith Formation program or our parish school. Children's preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Eucharist is primarily a parent-taught program. The RCIA process will help high school students and adults prepare for this Sacrament.

For Children



Catholic Apologetics

About the Eucharist - Catholic Apologetics

“Hidden Jesus, glorious pledge of my resurrection.
All my life is concentrated in You.
It is You, O Host, who empower me to love forever,
And I know that You will love me as Your child in return.”

- Saint Faustina