Capital Campaign

Weekly Updates


St. Patrick Anniversary Campaign at 97% of goal! We have gifts and pledges from 528 households totaling $2,677,562.  We have just $89,000 to go to reach goal. 
Rain on the Altar.  If there was any doubt about the urgency of the campaign, this past weekend was a good reminder.  I understand the heavy rain revealed some leaks in the sanctuary of the church.  Using the cash already received from the campaign, re-roofing is the first repair on the agenda.

Every gift brings us one step closer to completing all the repair and improvement projects. Please take a moment right now to pledge on line.  You can also set up automatic withdrawal or charge to a credit card using Faith Direct.

 -Greg Jeffrey, Campaign Director


 Campaign Tops 2.6M! We have gifts and pledges from 510 households totaling $2,602,340.  To reach goal, we have just $174,660 to go. 
Campaign Wrap Up.   We need to wrap up the campaign by April 22.  Every gift brings us one step closer to completing all the repair and improvement projects. Please take a moment right now to pledge on line.  You can also set up automatic withdrawal or charge to a credit card using Faith Direct.


 So Close! We have gifts and pledges from 478 households totaling $2,562,928.18.  To reach goal, we have $204,072 to go. Campaign Wrap Up.   We need to wrap up the campaign by April 22.  Every gift brings us one step closer to completing all the repair and improvement projects. Please take a moment right now to pledge on line.  You can also set up automatic withdrawal or charge to a credit card using Faith Direct.

 - Greg Jeffrey, Campaign Director


 Progress! We made good progress last week, especially in the number of households who have contributed.  We now have gifts and pledges from 450 households totaling $2,298,908.18.  We have just over $400,000 to go to reach goal. 

 Ready to Make Your Gift?  We’ve made that as convenient as possible, with several ways to pledge on line.  You can even set up automatic withdrawal or charge to a credit card using Faith Direct.

- Greg Jeffrey, Campaign Director


Progress! We made good progress in the last week.  We now have gifts and pledges from 267 households totaling $2,047,627.92.  We have just under $720,000 to go to reach goal.  We’re making progress, but know success requires wide participation.
In Pew Appeal.  The weekend of March 16 – 17 there will be an ‘in-pew appeal’ for the campaign.  Parishioners will have an opportunity at all the Masses to make their pledge.
Give it Some Thought. I ask couples to talk about your gift or pledge in advance of that weekend.  Many, many people have said to volunteers they intend to make a gift.  But it’s deciding how much that slows up the process.  So, please, whether you are married or single, give some thought to your gift intentions.
Ready to Make Your Gift?  If you are ready to make a commitment, we’ve made that as convenient as possible, with several ways to pledge on line.  You can even set up automatic withdrawal or charge to a credit card using Faith Direct.

- Greg Jeffrey, Campaign Director

The campaign just finished week five, and we have $1,653,050 in gifts and pledges from 158 households. In parish campaigns I find that most people have good intentions, it’s just a matter of getting around to making a decision regarding the amount, and then filling out a pledge form. We’ve made that as convenient as possible, with several ways to pledge on line.  You can even set up automatic withdrawal or charge to a credit card using Faith Direct. Thanks to all who have supported the campaign so far.  Making a financial commitment requires courage and trust in God’s providence.  In making your gift, you are a witness of faith and an encouragement to others.

2/20/2024.  I’m pleased to report we have received gifts and pledges from 117 families totaling $1,439,820. That’s an increase of a little over $100,000 from last week’s total. It puts us just past 50% of goal.  Thank you for responding so quickly and generously.

- Greg Jeffrey, Campaign Director

I’m pleased to report we have received gifts and pledges from 100 families totaling $1,324,160.  What I find particularly encouraging is the number of families who have pledged $10,000 to $25,000.  Many of these are families with young children in our school, so I know this is a sacrificial commitment.  Thank you for responding so quickly and generously.

- Greg Jeffrey, Campaign Director

The campaign just finished week two! The number of gifts and pledges has doubled, from 22 to 44. We now have $506,715 in total gifts and pledges. Campaign volunteers will meet on Monday, February 12 at 7PM in the Board Room.  This will be an opportunity to share successes, ask questions, and support one another.  I look forward to seeing you.

 - Greg Jeffrey, Campaign Director

As you may know, we launched the 60th Anniversary Capital Campaign the weekend of January 20-21. After just one week, I am pleased to report we received 22 gifts and pledges totaling $330,615.  I am particularly moved by the number of gifts from parishioners who have been with St. Patrick for many, many years.

- Greg Jeffrey, Campaign Director