Current Volunteers

Current volunteers are required to complete annual update training. Reminder emails will be sent during the month that your clearance is scheduled to expire. This year, the diocese requires an ONLINE ONLY training by MinistrySafe called "Sexual Abuse Awareness Training" for ALL employees and volunteers. See details below.

Type in your name and address to pull up your personal information.

Once you are logged in, you will need to update your personal information and click "Update Information and Continue" at the bottom of the screen.  On the next page, you will need to choose the "Standard Sexual Abuse Awareness Training (MinistrySafe)."  If you do not see the training listed, then click “My Obligations” and/or “View All Online Courses.” Complete the training & quiz. 

After you have completed the training and quiz, you will receive a confirmation e-mail and certificate. Keep a copy of your certificate for your own records. 

Background re-checks will be done every two years for all active volunteers.

Persons whose clearance has expired and who have been made “inactive” should contact the safety director for guidance on how to renew their clearance.
If you have any questions about the procedures for current volunteers, please contact:
Daryl Nagel, Safe Environment Coordinator